Monday, January 10, 2011

Celebrity Fashion Icons

Throughout the years, celebrities have always had a very strong influence on fashion, particularly in today's celebrity obsessed world. Celebrities are people who are admired and extremely popular people who are loved by thousands of people so it's no surprise that celebrities have a very strong influence  on fashion. If the most famous people in the world are wearing it, then eventually, sooner than later, the rest of the public will start to wear it. The three fashion icons I thought have had a particularly strong influence on fashion are Jackie Kennedy, Lil Wayne, the Beatles, and Audrey Hepburn.
Jackie Kennedy in her infamous leopard fur coat that sparked a hugely popular fashion trend.

Leopard fur was in high demand as Jackie’s coat created a fashion craze. Women who could afford to buy the coat were soon seen wearing them to dinner, the theatre, and other places.  Over 250,000 leopards were hunted and killed as women purchased their copy of Jackie’s coat. 

Jackie's designer Cassini was appalled that his creation almost wiped out an entire species. Since then, he has worked to destroy the fur market he helped create. “I will do my best to redeem myself." He has since developed a line of faux furs to provide the public with more humane and inexpensive alternatives.

With skinny jeans, vans, and piercings, Lil Wayne has influenced the fashion trends of the African-American community by morphing an edgy rocker style with urban style.

When the Beatles busted on to the scene and became a hugely popular in the US, they brought with them their edgy English style. Everything from their mop top hair, to the Edwardian suits, and their beatle boots caused a huge fashion craze.

Audrey Hepburn had a very strong pull on fasion in her day with her "little black dress", dark colors, flats, and big sunglasses. Her classy style has had a lasting affect on fashion.

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